Author: Dane Lyn
Dane Lyn (they/them) is a neurospicy, genderqueer, disabled, educator, poet, and glitter enthusiast in a love-hate relationship with Los Angeles, where they reside. Dane has an MFA from Lindenwood University, a ridiculous collection of succulents, and four scavenger hunt runner up ribbons. Dane’s work can be seen in Quillkeepers, Gnashing Teeth, Gutslut, and Imposter. Their debut chapbook by bottlecap press, “bubblegum black,” was released in early 2023 with rave reviews from their mom. They are on social media @punkhippypoet.
Riveting Rants
The Dewdrop
Imposter: A Poetry Journal
The Dillydoun Review
The Ekphrastic Review
an opulence of twisting
complex, intricate, mathematical proofs
of base hash, slash, ticker parade
tallies counting panoply of nearly missed,
catapult driven bites dull beak
a weapon thwap through childlike, music
box ding slow and steady
single notes mingle, become a recognizable
tune, speeding up in warning
all around the cobbler’s bench I’m not good
enough the monkey chased the weasel I’m not smart
enough the monkey thought twas all in fun I’m not
enough POP